Illinois Council for Exceptional Children Logo

Submission due date: All professional adult applications must be received by September 15th of the current year.

“Yes I Can” Award applications must be received by May 15th of the current year.

Illinois Council for Exceptional Children Awards

Awards will be presented at ICEC State Fall Convention.
These annual awards honor the exceptional service, commitment and contribution of individuals to the children of Illinois, the Illinois Council for Exceptional Children, or the field of Special  and General Education. Please nominate the people who inspire you for an award.

The ICEC Clarissa Hug Teacher of the Year Award

Due Date: September 15
The most prestigious honor bestowed on a teacher of students with exceptional needs from the state of Illinois. The name of the winner will be placed in nomination to represent Illinois at the International CEC Clarissa Hug
Teacher of the Year Award Brunch.
Qualifications:  Minimum 5 year membership in ICEC and 5 years teaching
The nominee:

  • shall be currently involved in the provision of direct services to students with exceptionalities
  • shall have demonstrated exemplary performance over a period of time as a teacher or provider of direct services
  • shall exhibit such qualities as imagination, creativity and the ability to increase student success
    be clearly recognized by the members of the profession and others
    must be an appropriately certified teacher as recognized by the Illinois state licensing board

The ICEC Meritorious Service Award

Honors a nominee who is not a member of ICEC, and has demonstrated outstanding service to special education in Illinois.

Qualifications: The nominee must NOT be a member of ICEC.

Due Date: September 15
The nominee shall have demonstrated outstanding service rendered to special education and the education of students with exceptionalities in Illinois.
Awards will be presented at the annual ICEC State Fall Convention

Dean S. Hage Student of the Year Award

Due Date: September 15

Honors a member of the Illinois Student CEC. The nominee must have demonstrated outstanding service and leadership to this association, ICEC and/or local chapter and to the exceptional children of Illinois.

ICEC Legislator of the Year

Due Date: September 15

Honors an Illinois Legislator who has served in the Illinois General Assembly or United States Congress for at least one term.

The award nominee must have demonstrated advocacy, sponsorship, and support of legislation that improves the welfare and education of exceptional children.

The ICEC Outstanding General Education Teacher of the Year Award

Due Date: September 15

Honors s general education teacher certified by ISBE in the state of Illinois, who has shown exemplary performance in directly providing educational services to students with exceptional learning challenges or behavioral disorders.

ICEC Robert E. Abbott Outstanding Contributor

Due Date: September 15

The nominee must be a long-standing member of ICEC (minimum 5 years). The nominee has demonstrated outstanding service to the organization and/or to the exceptional children of Illinois.

ICEC “Yes, I Can! Award

Due Date: May 15th current year

The “Yes, I Can” awards program honors and celebrates the achievements of children and youth (ages 2-21) with exceptionalities. This award has two purposes: Encourage individuals to seek their highest potential and to increase public awareness of the abilities, aspirations, and personal qualities of persons with exceptionalities. Several categories of success are awarded.



The Lesley P. Graham Post Secondary Scholarship and the School-to-Work Scholarship are available to graduating high school seniors who are residents of Illinois. Submission deadline is April 7, 2025.